raleigh /1/ about, intro, intro fill


Náměty k 2s nacházím buď ve scénářích filmů nebo sitcomů, pro začátečníky je pak spisuju sám. S filmy je ale v tomto ohledu potíž. Na rozdíl od sitcomů totiž většina z nich není založena ani tak na mluveném slovu jako spíše na vizuálním působení a delší koherentní dialogy v nich nenajdeme zase tak často. Vydolovat ze scénáře filmu jednu nebo dvě scény na práci v hodinách je zázrak.

O to více je třeba si vážit těch filmů, jež žádanou látku poskytují. A je zde ještě jedna kruciální podmínka: omezené množství postav v jednotlivých scénách. V sitcomech nám vycházejí vstříc: není neobvyklé, že v nich dva lidé dlouze probírají své problémy. Poznámky případné třetí osoby je obvykle možné přiřknout jedné z těchto dvou postav. Ve filmech scény tohoto typu najdeme málokdy.


Nesdílím svaté nadšení některých učitelů, kterým bratranec z Austrálie či kámoška z Londýna přiveze film v originále, a oni se ihned zapáleně ženou do třídy jej pustit svým studentům. Už se nepíše rok 1985 a heslem dne je selekce. Najít vhodný film je spousta práce. Upravit scénář je stokrát tolik práce. Rozsekat jej vhodným způsobem na výukové jednotky bývá také docela bolehlav.

Zatím jsem našel tři filmy, které se dají na výuku využít téměř ve své celistvosti. Prvním je možná docela překvapivě Pulp Fiction, které ovšem vyžaduje drastické úpravy slovníku. Druhým je sex lies and video, s kterým jsou zase potíže kvůli jeho subject matter. Skvostem mezi filmy je v tomto směru Smoke, pomalu plynoucí film o několika lidech bydlících v New Yorku, jejichž osudy se nečekaným způsobem protnou v období několika týdnů (není o tomtéž každý film?).


K článku SMOKE: RALEIGH jsem sepsal natolik dlouhé a (neskromně podotknu) zajímavé intro, že jsem jej později po důkladném zvážení povýšil na samostatný článek. Ten přednesu jednu hodinu, nechám jej studenty převyprávět mezi sebou, druhou hodinu dám point-out a ještě jednou a.t. (nějak jinak, třeba pomocí interview s jednotlivými postavami) a poté, co v dalších dvou hodinách oblažím studenty doplňovačkou fill-long, jsou na samotnou scénu připraveni až až.


Paul Benjamin was a writer. And not a bad one, either. He wrote novels and his books were selling pretty well. He hadn’t written anything in the past few years, though, because of something that had happened a few years before.

What happened was that his wife got killed. She was leaving a cigar store one morning when she got shot. She had gone there to pick up some cigars and tobacco for her husband. A bank across the street was just being robbed and the robbers were firing bullets all over the street. A bullet hit her and she died. She was pregnant at the time and the baby didn’t survive either.

Ever since then, Paul had been wandering around the neighborhood thinking about his wife and the baby and trying to make sense of the tragedy. Later, he began trying to come up with some ideas for a book. He believed that writing a book might help him deal with the tragedy. But he hadn’t been able to think of anything to write about so far.


Tento úvod je sepsaný v minulém čase, a celkem logicky. Zároveň je ale pravda, že spousta úvodů a příběhů se v angličtině vypráví v čase přítomném, tzv. historickém prézensu. Ten zní velmi přirozeně (má jej ostatně i čeština, i když jej možná nevyužívá tak často: “včera jdu po ulici a vidím nějakého člověka jak krade auto…”) a pokud si na něj zvyknete, budou se vám úvody vyprávět ještě lépe.

Auggie is in his store one day, arranging stuff on the shelves behind the counter. It’s a slow day and not many people have showed up to buy cigars or magazines. Three guys are hanging out in the store talking about baseball. They seem very upset at the way their team, the New York Mets, has been doing lately

Studenti si ve své většině ani nevšimnou, že něco není v pořádku. Až pokud byste jim tentýž text poskytli v písemné podobě, zarazí se.


The cigar store that Paul’s wife went to that awful day was owned by a guy named Vinnie and run by a friend of Vinnie’s named Auggie. Auggie and Paul had been good friends for years.

Anyway, to get to the story itself, Auggie was in his store one day, arranging stuff on the shelves behind the counter. It was a slow day and not many people had showed up to buy cigars or magazines. Three guys were hanging out in the store talking about baseball. They seemed very upset at the way their team, the New York Mets, had been doing lately. They blamed the poor results on bad trades that they thought the management kept making. They thought the management had screwed up and they believed that if there was a different management, things would be much better.

Then the door opened and a customer finally walked in. It was Paul, a regular by then, who dropped by quite often to get some cigars.


Paul Benjamin was a writer. And _____________________. He wrote novels and his books were selling pretty well. He ______________ anything in the past few years, ______, because of something that had happened a few years before.

_________________ that his wife got killed. She ___________ a cigar store one morning when she ________. She had gone there __________ some cigars and tobacco for her husband. A bank ______ the street _____________________ and the robbers were firing bullets ________ the street. ________________ and she died. She was pregnant __ the time and the baby didn’t survive ______.

_______________, Paul had been ________________ the neighborhood thinking about his wife and the baby and trying to _____________ the tragedy. Later, he began trying to ____________ some ideas for a book. He believed that writing a book might help him _________ the tragedy. But he ____________________________ anything to write about so far.

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The cigar store _____________________ that awful day was owned by a guy named Vinnie and ______ a friend ___________ named Auggie. Auggie and Paul ________ good friends _________.

Anyway, to get to the story itself, Auggie was in his store one day, arranging _____ on the _______ behind the _______. It was a ________ and ________ people had showed up to buy cigars or magazines. Three guys were ___________ in the store talking about baseball. They seemed very upset at _______ their team, the New York Mets, _____________________. They ______ the poor results on bad ______ that they thought the management ___________. They thought the management ______________ and they believed that ____________ a different management, ____________________ better.

Then the door opened and a customer finally walked in. It was Paul, a regular _______, who __________ quite often ______ some cigars.

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