archie /2/ fill, recall, spin, guide, food

Návraty k interview bývají taky hodně zajímavé. Na rozdíl od 2s (přehrávání rychle naučených scén), které studenti poprvé vidí jako fill-out na webu, se studenti s interview poprvé setkají až v hodině. Což nám nabízí možnost, kterou nelze pohrdnout: fill-long na závěr všech aktivit.


so Archie, what were you doing over there at the time?

I _________________ in the war _________ two years and my platoon, or _______________, ___________________ clear out the area _______ a general’s car could ____________. A number of German soldiers ________ __________________ in a village there. _____________ the information was false but we couldn’t know ________ until we got there. So we had to be pretty careful, _______ there were some Germans there

how did you find out about the Doctor?

When we _______ the village we _______________ the mayor who explained that all of the Germans ________ a few days before. So _____________________________ drive out. But the mayor did mention a mysterious character who had been friends with the Germans and who decided not to leave when ________. _______, he made his home in a rundown house on a nearby hill. This person was the Doctor.

well, what had the Doctor done?

He _______________________ the Germans round up young men from the village who ______________________________ the German forces. But he was also _________________________ experiments on live prisoners.

» tou dobou jsem ve válce bojoval už víc než (dva roky)
» nebo co to bylo (ne samotné what)
» dostal příkaz (přikázat jako sloveso)
» aby
» projet

why did you decide to arrest him?

Well, ________________________, i guess. _______ people _____________ crimes doesn’t __________________. A person who collaborates with the enemy ______________ _______________________ the others ___________.

how did the arrest go? Did he put up a fight?

________, he didn’t resist ______. It looked like he ______________ _________ any day, ______ maybe not by Americans. _______ our expectations he didn’t put up a fight. We have seen people in his position commit suicide ___________ be taken prisoner but I guess he was _____________ coward to kill himself.

what did you do with him after arresting him?

We ___ him out of the house, handcuffed him and ___ him in the car and then _____ him back to the village. Then we turned him over to the authorities. Trust me, we ___________________________ happened next, whatever it was.

how come he disappeared and no one knows where he is?

I’m afraid I can’t answer that question. I mean, they _________________ him and the body ____________________. The villagers knew that ______ ______________ it would _________ and if he got a good lawyer he _________________________. So I suppose they took the matter in their own hands __________ him, ______________ the body and pretending ___________ anything. Well, does that answer all your questions? Good.

nápověda k poslednímu odstavci:
» je možné, že jej popravili … bez “maybe”, pomocí “may”)
» bylo možná pohřbeno … totéž, jenom s trpným rodem)
» kdyby byl soud
» trval by věčnost … druhé slovo co hledáte je “ages”, to první vám neřeknu)
» možná by musel být propuštěn … použijte “might”)
» tím, že jej zabili
» zbavili se těla … slovesný tvar pokračuje z minulého úseku)
» že nic neví … ne pomocí vedlejší věty s “that”, nýbrž infinitivu)

K fázi fill-long se ale nedostaneme hned, i když cesta k němu bývá kratší než u jiných typů textů. Další hodinu (nebo možná lépe až tu ob jednu) by měl proběhnout recall, kvůli upevnění povědomí o obsahu a také for the benefit of students, kteří první hodinu chyběli


a) so. Bulgaria, huh? Good place to hide if you’re a criminal?
b) why didn’t the Doctor put up a fight when we came to arrest him?
c) who told the British troops I was hiding in the old house?

až po recallu rozdáte nebo rozešlete fill-long verzi a i tu necháte ještě nějaký ten den odpočinout. Další hodinu je totiž na řadě point-out a tu další (případně ještě tu samou) pak podrobné a.t., ať už formou interview nebo monologu Archieho nebo povídání v třetí osobě (“Archie byl voják, který…”) nebo i jinak. Jak? Třeba takto


monolog by / interview with
» a) Archie
» b) the Doctorlet me tell you about the last day of my life
» c) a villagerI want you to be honest with me: did you or did you not kill that doctor guy? — maybe we did, maybe we didn’t — oh for christ’s sake, tell me the truth! …
» d) the generalwhy was a platoon sent to the village? — well, I was going to make my way through that village a little later…

conversation between
» a) Archie and the Doctor
» b) the Doctor and villagers
» c) British troops and the mayor

převyprávění by mohlo vzhledem ke kvalitě textu proběhnout i opakovaně (v několika různých hodinách), pokaždé se bude hodit guide načrtnutý na tabuli


1. why village
2. the mayor
3. the doctor’s crimes
4. justice
5. resist?
6. after arrest
7. next?


&#187 how stuff works: how do wars start and what happens in them
&#187 what would you do: if you were hiding from justice
&#187 devil’s advocate: criminals shouldn’t be punished; it’s too late to help their victims anyway

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